Working with the Moon’s Energies

I love, love, LOVE gazing at the moon. I think Grandmother Moon is quite simply magickal. And it’s not just because of how she can seemingly light up the whole sky when you can see her at her fullest, it’s because of her power too. The moon affects the earth’s water. She pulls the tides and creates what are known as spring tides, around the new and the full moon, and neap tides when the moon is in the waning gibbous and the waxing crescent phases.

Whilst there is no evidence to confirm that our menstrual cycles, fertility and even labour and birth is affected by the moon, I’m not so sure. I often wonder if when we lived a more nomadic life, where we didn’t have electricity etc and thus were more connected to nature’s cycles (including the moon) if we did cycle with the moon. After all, when we were living beneath the stars our nocturnal activity would have been affected by the moon phase. Anyway, I am digressing.

Having spoken to many of my clients about working with the energies of the moon, I felt it was high time I wrote a blog so that anyone who wants to learn can begin to work their own journey with the moon’s energies. Now, before I begin, I want to let you know that here I am outlining the basics of working with moon energy, and some suggestions of ways you may choose to work with the energies of the moon’s phases. This is by no means prescriptive and I invite you to feel into what feels right for you. I believe intention is everything and if you listen to your intuition as you work with the energies you may well find yourself creating your own rituals and ceremonies. And remember rituals don’t have to be elaborate. We have many everyday rituals. Even washing ourselves / taking a shower each day is an everyday ritual. I say this because sometimes I think we can fool ourselves into believing we don’t have time to integrate ritual into our lives.

Ok, so the three moon phases I will introduce you to here are the dark moon, the new moon and the full moon.

Dark Moon

As the lunar cycle comes to an end we call this the dark moon. This is the time right before the next (new) moon phase. So in the 24-48 hours before the dark moon is the time where I start to think about what I want to release and let go of. This can be anything! I will consider stories and beliefs that no longer serve me, disagreements with others (whilst still honouring my own boundaries), difficult feelings and emotions. I suppose it’s kinda like weeding. As things come up for me I will write them down and elaborate further when I get chance. Really feeling into the energy of what it is am releasing and giving thanks for its presence in my life! After all, these things that no longer serve me first came when I needed them to serve me, to protect me usually.

And when I’m ready I will destroy everything I’ve written. Now there are a few ways to do this. You may have a ceremonial fire, or just set a match against the pages in your fire pit. Or you may bury the papers in the earth, literally returning the energy to the earth to be mulched into new, positive energy.

As well as this I may also declutter a room in the house. Again, releasing and letting go of items and objects that I no longer need with thanks (I send these to the charity shop or sell them on - perhaps someone else will find these objects useful).

New Moon
In the time just after the new moon phase has begun (usually within the first 24-48 hours again) is the time where I start to set some intentions and think about what I’d like to manifest more of. This is such a wonderful time to get creative!

I often start with little snippets of ideas. More clients, more free time, some help with something I’m struggling with. And then I build on it. I will dream what my life would look like with whatever it is I want to call in for myself, maybe even by writing a day in the life of future me. And I’ll consider what steps I may need to take to achieve that.

When I’m working with this I may again integrate ritual. I may have a ceremonial fire and spend time communing with Grandfather Fire. I may read through my intentions and manifestations either aloud, or in my head and then spend time gazing into the flames, letting my mind roam and building on the dream. Or may simply light a candle and do this.

I tend to keep all of my new moon intention and manifestation in my journal. It’s stuff I’m calling in to being for the version of myself I am becoming. I want to hold on to the vision.

Full Moon

Ah, the full moon. This is the time where all is illuminated. It’s time where we are able to see into the unseen - if we allow it. This is a great time to reflect on your intentions and manifestations. The time where your challenges may be most visible to you. This is a time where you can gain understanding and clarity around if there is anything else you need.

For me, ideally in the 24-48 hours around the full moon, I especially love to drum. I mean, I love to spend time drumming anyway, but when I drum on the full-moon I connect in a really deep level with my soul. It helps me to see the wisdom that is within me that I am not tapping into.

You don’t need to drum to do this though. You can set intention and meditate on it. And if that sounds daunting, put on some soothing music (without lyrics), get comfy, think about what you’re dreaming into being and wait for the messages you need to receive. If this sounds airy-fairy to you I simply ask you choose to believe and try it. See what happens.

After doing this I always journal on what’s come up for me. I often find that as I write more will come through.

Dark Moon
And then we return to the dark moon. This is a time to reflect on the lunar phase. What has worked, and what hasn’t? What do you need to release and let go of?

And as before, consider anything else you wish to release and let go of and continue the cycle.

I do hope you have found this guide useful. If you already work with the moon, I would love to hear about what you do. I’d also love to hear from you around how this guide has helped you, and what your experience of working with the moon has been following this! And please do send me any questions you may have. If I’ve missed something crucial I may then also update this blog for others too!

I guide the women on their Soul Purpose Embodiment journeys with me in working with the moon at a really deep level. If you’d be interested in finding out more about this work, then do get in touch via my contact form on the button below.


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