A Do-What?

Yesterday I joined an ariel yoga class for the first time (which was totally amazing by the way and I may write about it in another blog) and this naturally involved meeting people for the first time - though I already knew the teacher.  A couple of things in my discussion prompted a few people to ask what I do.

Now this part is always interesting to me because so often people have never even heard of a doula, much less have any idea what it is that I actually do!  In fact I remember attending a family camping trip with the school a few years back.  Being as I was on-call mobile phone reception was a must for me and the location didn’t give me any coverage at all, so I had to head back home (it did get me a bonus quiet night at home alone).  Not wishing to seem rude I went and gave my reasons for leaving to the group of parents we were with - again people asked what I do “I’m a doula”.  And apparently moments after I left one of the dads said “bloody hell, she’s a bit open about being a dealer isn’t she?”.  

I have to admit, that is the very best mishearing I’ve experienced.  Usually people think I’m a jeweller, though thinking about it now I’d quite like to spend a day with a jeweller to understand their work better.

Anyway, yesterday’s exchange has prompted me to pen a blog about what a doula is - and what makes me and my approach unique.  Because every doula is different.  

So the word “doula” is greek and means female servant.  Which I feel is so apt because through my work I am very much in service to women.

According to the Oxford University Press the word doula means “a person, usually a woman, whose role is to give support, help and advice to a woman who is having a baby”.  This does make for a great general description, but my work is about so much more than this.

I describe myself as a Shamanic Doula.  And I think that oftentimes even other doulas don’t really understand what this really means.

As a Shamanic Doula I understand the transition through birth as a Rite of Passage.  It doesn’t matter if this is our first or our fifth visit to the birth altar, all of our births serve to teach us something about ourselves.  Each visit to the birth altar will crack us open and expose all that needs to be healed within us.

I am inspired in my work by the role of the Village Wise-Woman.  I spend time getting to know the woman who is going to be birthing on an incredibly deep level.  We will explore her anxieties, fears and worries about birth and becoming a mother.  We will understand where these feelings have come from - a past Rite of Passage or a past significant (or seemingly insignificant) event.  I support women during their labour and their birthing, and because I have got to know her so well I will be able to really support her through birth on an incredibly deep level.  And postnatally that support continues as I offer emotional support and bodywork to not only support your body’s recovery - but to honour you too.

Even writing that I still feel there is much more to share!

I am able to approach my work with women in the way that I do because I have a deep knowing of who I am.  I have looked into and healed from my own Rites of Passage and my own sacred wounds from earlier life events (and past life too).  I have looked into and sat with shadow aspects of myself.  And it is something I continue to do now.  And will always do.  Personal healing and growth is an ongoing process, for everyone.  My continuously working on myself means I am always showing up for you as the very best version of myself.

As I have learned more about myself, healed and grown my work has expanded.  I first entered the world of birth work in 2014 teaching Hypnobirthing.  And now I am a Birthkeeper, a Shamanic Doula, a Wise-Woman. I am all of these things, I could never just choose one label - and I don’t have to. 

Since becoming a doula I have learned so much more from the women I have supported.  Especially how powerful women really are. I have also learned so much about how much of a difference it makes to feel held, loved, nurtured and supported by another woman during from the time from before conception, during pregnancy, birth and postnatally.  I know and understand the deep level of preparation that is required ahead of both conception and birth.  I know and understand what it means to be a space-holder in the birth room.  And I know and understand the deep level of support that is required after you baby is born.

Working with me during your conception or birth preparation may include drum journeying, calling on spirit guides and animals, we will almost certainly call in the wisdom of the women who came before you, there may be ritual and ceremony, journaling, meditation, art, Reiki, massage.  

At your birth I may drum, use essential oils, Reiki, use the rebozo, give massage, or I may quietly sit in the corner, eyes closed, listening to and tuning into the sounds you are making as you connect with your untamed power, as you journey through the labyrinth of birth to meet your baby.

And after your baby is born I may bring food for you, give massage, Reiki, introduce ritual and ceremony.

I support women for all or part of their journey. I’ve worked with women from before they were pregnant right through to after their baby is born, I’ve worked with women who booked me right at the end of their pregnancy (though earlier is better) and I’ve worked with women who have just given birth too.

I absolutely LOVE talking about the sacred work I do with women (and their partners - though I’ve not really touched on partner work here), so do please get in touch if you would like to find out more either about working with me, or becoming a doula - or even if you already are a doula and would like to find out about my approach and the deep work I do with and on myself.

With much love and light - blessed be.


International Day of Friendship 2022


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