The Energy of the Humble Beach Pebble

Lots has been written about crystal energy and how this may support us in various scenarios including birth.  Many of my clients will choose to have crystals such as rose quartz (love / oxytocin), moonstone (feminine cycles, hormone balance, new beginnings), bloodstone, amethyst (clear fear).  While these are wonderful and beautiful crystal energies to work with and have around you, I would like you to introduce a mineral energy you may not have considered. Introducing the humble beach pebble.

I absolutely love beach pebbles.  I grew up by the sea and am a water star sign (cancerian), thus I feel a deep and intrinsic soul connection to the sea and its energy.  Perhaps this is why I can see so clearly just how this humble rock can be so hugely beneficial in birth!

Pebbles begin as rocks.  Often with sharp edges.  These rocks have found themselves on the floor of the ocean and have gently been pulled by the swell of the sea.  Being gently rocked and swayed.  Being soothed and smoothed.This is so much like us as we birth our babies.

Contractions as many of us know them are referred to by many women as waves or surges and the reason for this is because we can often feel as though we are riding waves.  Each surge begins gently and raises to a crescendo of energy, power and intensity, before ebbing away.  When we allow ourselves to surrender fully to our own bodies, to our own birthing power, we sink into the waves of each surge.  We can be like the rocks on the ocean floor, gently rocking and swaying with the motion and the energy of each wave.

Many women say motherhood softens us.  Just like the edges of the rocks are smoothed by the sea. Each wave brings slowly and gently to the shore. 

But not only do pebbles hold this residual energy of the sea, they are of course of our mother earth. And so when we hold onto the pebble it helps us to feel grounded and connected to mother earth.

And so I love to gift pregnant women and people a pebble from the beach.  Something that fits perfectly in the palm of your hand.  Transferring its ocean energy to you.  Allowing you to really feel and sink into this as you surrender to the waves of your own birthing as you rock and sway.

The pebbles I gift are all hand selected by me, collected from UK beaches. I find the choosing and collecting of these pebbles to be a really deep experience for me.

Next time you’re at the beach why not collect a pebble for you, or for someone you love who is pregnant. You can send them this blog so they may too understand the power of the humble beach pebble.


A Do-What?


Gina Ford - The New Contented Little Baby Book